Ruby 6502 has been running well on it’s PCB for some time now and interestingly enough (and curiously!) during the past few months other 8-bit projects have sprung up… This started probably about a year back when Dave, the 8-bit … Continue reading
Category Archives: 6502
I’ve not done too much with Ruby 6502 in the past few months, however I decided to get a PCB made up for it and I’m happy to say it’s working fine. Well, almost. A few little notes on the … Continue reading
Another software update here – this time thoughts about implementing a filing system. It would be far too easy to get carried away and start looking at modern systems – e.g. Unix/Linux/VMS where there are a plethora of good filing … Continue reading
At this point, I have a nice little 65C02 system with 64KBytes of RAM, a little “monitor” with serial interface. I can run Applesoft, ehBasic and BBC Basic. Where now? Well… without really trying (nor setting out to do this … Continue reading
Testing the Ruby 6502 After making it on breadboard, I was already relatively confident that it would work on stripboard and my initial testing went well. I could access the shared RAM from the ATmega, write test patterns into it, … Continue reading
How does it work? The 6502 (or W65C02S in our case) is really designed to have some ROM (or modern flash, etc.) to enable it to boot. At power on or reset, it reads an address out of a fixed … Continue reading
Where next? I had a barely working 6502 prototype system on my workbench. It was a little unstable and didn’t like being moved, but it did work and demonstrated to me that the concept was viable. Initially I didn’t know … Continue reading
A 6502 SBC: Working prototype To mark my own use and knowledge of 40 years of the 6502, I decided to build my own little single board computer (SBC) based on it. I had a few ideas in-mind – one … Continue reading
In 1976, Steve Wozniac wrote what’s commonly known simply as Wozmon. Wozmon is a machine-code monitor program and for those who may not be aware, this is essentially code that starts to run in a microprocessor at initial power on. … Continue reading