The Raspberry Ladder is a small kit comprising PCB with LEDs, resistors and switches intended to be used to experiment with the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO functions and hopefully to get people interested in soldering up their own projects. Soldering is … Continue reading
If you’re a reader of the MagPi magazine then you may have seen my Halloween Pi project in the October issue… If not, then have a quick wander over to their site: and have a look! Octobers magazine featured … Continue reading
Since I first wrote about the PiFace back in July there has been a new development! Dr. Andrew Robinson who’s the leader behind the project at Manchester university have had some valuable feedback from their initial prototype release and re-designed … Continue reading
I recently thought it might be a good idea to make up a PCB of one of my Pi projects – the ladder game. So famous last words: How hard can it be? Fortunately, it’s not that hard now, and … Continue reading
So the big news is that there is going to be (or already is!) a 2nd revision of the Raspberry Pi PCB, and even bigger is that it’s going to be manufactured (well, assembled) in the UK. That’s great, but … Continue reading
I’ve been asked to include SPI (and I2C – more on that soon) support for the Raspberry Pi in my wiringPi… However because it’s hard to anticipate exactly what SPI devices you may connect up, it’s hard to provide something … Continue reading
Frustrated by the fact there there is only one easily accessible PWM output on your Raspberry Pi? Then this article is for you, because now you can use ANY GPIO pin as a PWM output thanks to the latest addition … Continue reading
Part 1: The Hardware & Driver Some time back, I joked that the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO port really stood for Game Port IO… So to make that joke come true, I present a way of interfacing the NES Joysticks to … Continue reading
As part of my Big Trak refurbishment (not going as well as I wanted it to), I decided to use the Adafruit Prototyping Pi Plate to mount the additional electronics on. If you’re not familiar with it, then this is … Continue reading
Just a quick post and a few photos from last nights RaspberryJam in Bristol – held in the most excellent Bristol and Bath Science Park. Alan (@teknoteacher) the driving force behind the RaspberryJams, was on-form as usual, keeping everything flowing … Continue reading