After I was happy running GIBL (my 6502 TinyBasic) on my Ruby board, I thought about porting it – I also thought about a new project I’d like to do over the winter solstice period, so before tackling that project … Continue reading
Category Archives: General Update
Who would have thought that in 2023 some idiot would write another Tiny Basic for the 6502… Well, I was that idiot… Because: Why Not! It all started as something else… Over the summer just past I wrote a new … Continue reading
For a long time I’ve been writing Mandelbrot programs for fun and recently to act as a benchmark for some retro BASIC systems. The output has been variable from simple ASCII text to high resolution colour graphics. For retro systems… … Continue reading
Doing some tinkering with my retro BCPL system recently and while I’ve always though it was faster than BASIC on the same hardware, I never really worked out just how much faster it really was… So as it was a … Continue reading
Way back we had mechanical output devices for our computers. These were big, slow, noisy and really a spill-over from the days of the telegraph, but they fulfilled their purpose and much code, including early Unix was written using them. … Continue reading
Brief post to say that I’ve now gotten round to writing up my Ruby 65816 SBC system. Hardware is working well and the software is slowly progressing. Details here … Continue reading
We have a nice point to point racetrack in (near) Buckfastleigh, so today we went over for the first race of the season. One of the horses that is stabled/trains at the yard where I ride out from was racing … Continue reading
Stage 3, but if you missed it, then back to the mix and knead step… or back to the preparation step… The Big Bake The next morning comes – round about 5:45am and the dough has risen! Hooray and up … Continue reading
Stage 2, but if you missed it, then back to the preparation step… The Big Mix Preparation takes place usually at about 3-4pm. A few hours later round about 7:30 to 8pm, it’s time to mix and knead up the … Continue reading
A few of you may know that I do the home artisan microbakery thing. My pages for that are over here: but in these posts I thought I’d show you a day in the life … I make mostly … Continue reading