Learning GIT

I’ve decided to start to use the GIT Source Code Management system… So hoe better to learn about it than to jump in at the deep end and actually use it for a project… So to that end, I’ve moved wiringPi to it and setup some simple hosting for it – mostly for my own convenience, but also to allow others who’re using GIT to quickly obtain updated versions and so on.

I’ll eventually be putting links from the main downloads site I’m using to the GIT repository, but until then, a quick look and it can be found here.


Learning GIT — 2 Comments

  1. You know, rather than hosting your own server, you could always use Github – which allows for easier forking and contribution of patches (arguably), and has a bunch of nice social features that enable people to follow the development.

    • Sure, but I like it better the way I’m doing it now. I own my servers and there will never be any doubt to me about the security and safety of my code and data.
