February 27th
Off to a somewhat clandestine meeting with this:
This is a Kladdkaka, or Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake…
February 26th
Just for a change have a selection of pictures rather than just the one:
Yes, they’re chickens!
February 25th
Section of a parquet floor at the place I had a quick coffee with my wife! I put my phone on the floor and turned the flash on. Looks quite intersting as it fades into blackness of infinity beyond…
February 24th:
It may look like a bunch of wires and “stuff”, but it’s a little project I’m working on. that’s an Arduino UNO and some stepper motor driver boards. (connected to a Raspberry Pi, out of sight here) All good stuff, I’m sure (or it will be when I’m done!)
February 23rd
This is the Dean Burn at the bottom of my garden. Longish exposure as I like that sort of thing with little rivers…
Nice photos! And our cat LIKE chickens!
This is a test transmission…