Connecting to the Gertboard

So while the Gertboard has LEDs and buttons, it’s really intended to be used to safely connect the Pi to external devices, and to do this we need to look closer at what it provides. There are 12 buffered pins … Continue reading

Gertboard and WiringPi

NOTE: 11/2/2013: WORK IN PROGRESS – Things liable to change! These pages serve as a demonstration of using the Gertboard with the wiringPi library from the command-line, in C and BASIC. There are several pages in this series and I … Continue reading

Gertboard ATmega IO vs. Arduino Pins

The printing on the Gertboard indicated the port and pin numbers internal to the Atmega microcontroller… However this is normally hidden from the user by the Arduino’s “wiring” library and rather than refer to (e.g.) Port B, bit 5, you’d … Continue reading


The Gertboard is an add-on GPIO expansion and experimenter board for the Raspberry Pi computer. It comes with a large variety of components, including buttons, LEDs, A/D and D/A converters, a motor controller, and an ATmel ATmegs 328p AVR microcontroller … Continue reading


Some information about the Gertboard – programming, using the ATmega48p and so on. The Gertduino – there’s a Raspberry Pi under there somewhere! Note that the board I have is an early version fitted with the switch modes power supply … Continue reading

ATmega Setup

The Atmegas on the Gertduino are programmed using Avrdude in the same way the ATmega on the Gertboard is programmed. A few minir differences to the Gertboard though – the main ATmega 388p runs at 16MHz to be 100% compatibile … Continue reading